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Rewind Page 15

  I laughed, “No, sorry it’s just a habit to see if I recognize people.” I told him.

  After our meal I asked him if he wanted to go to the bar to hang out with Ryan and Theresa for a while. “Absolutely, I’m in no hurry to take you home.” He said with a wink as he opened the door of his two thousand ten white Mustang.

  I sent Theresa a quick text to let her know we were on the way there but she never replied. The parking lot was full of vehicles which meant there was a good DJ on hand tonight. Trevor placed his hand at the base of my spine as we walked through the crowd of people until we were standing at the table where my friends were.

  Theresa was in a heated discussion with Bryan, I cleared my throat and interrupted her. When she looked up her eyes got big, “Uh hey!” she said.

  I sat down and Trevor slid into the booth beside me, “Well we’re here, I think you owe us a drink.”

  “Coming right up.” Bryan moved out of the booth and went to the bar. Theresa was still not saying much as she looked everywhere but at me.

  “You two having a lovers dispute?” I asked and narrowed my eyes at her.

  “Something like that.”

  Finally Bryan was back with a tray full of beer, “Let’s dance.” He grabbed Theresa’s hand and pulled her to the dance floor. Why was he actually going onto the dance floor when a Rihanna song was playing. Even I knew Bryan couldn’t dance, maybe Theresa had actually helped him find his rhythm though. I shook my head.

  Trevor turned to me and put a beer in front of me, “Do you want to dance?”


  We slid out of the booth and out to the dance floor, I looked around for Theresa and Bryan. She was grinding her hips against him as he stood still behind her. “I can’t believe he’s out here.” I said to Trevor.

  He turned and looked, “Well in his defense we pretty much get to stand here and let you do the work. I think he’s doing a good job.”

  I threw my head back and laughed, “You just stand there then.” I turned and pressed my back against his body. The bass vibrated through my body, Trevor’s hands on my hips sent a shot of electricity through my body, our hips swayed together as I pressed harder against him. With a squeeze of his hands I knew that he was getting worked up, I turned around and pressed my chest against his.

  “You’re not playing fair at all.” He said with a grin, his blue eyes reflecting the laser lights. He pressed a leg between mine, keeping time with the music, grinding with me, staring at my eyes then at my lips. The song faded to a slow song but we didn’t separate, I moved my hands up his toned arms to the back of his neck.

  “You just have to stand there.” I whispered.

  He shook his head, “I’m trying really hard to be a gentleman but I’m starting to have some problems.” He told me.

  I watched as he licked his lips, and lowered his head down towards mine, “Kiss me.” I whispered.

  “My pleasure.” He said just before his lips were on mine. His tongue slid between my lips demanding more, so I gave him more. He tightened his hold on my hips as we stayed locked together, swaying with the music. A loud crash and some guys yelling broke us apart but we never took our eyes off of each other, he kissed me again then we walked back over to the booth. Theresa was wildly looking over towards the side door of the dance floor.

  “Big brawl?” I asked trying to see over the dance floor of people.

  “Trevor excuse us for a minute…Sydney go to the bathroom with me.” She didn’t even give me time to respond. I stumbled in my heels to stay upright as she pulled me through the people and to the bathroom. She shoved the door open and locked it behind us.

  “What is your problem?” I practically yelled and tried to straighten out my dress.

  “You need to leave, you and Trevor need to leave.”

  “No, I’m not leaving just because you and Bryan aren’t getting along, god what’s your deal?”

  Theresa hung her head, “Cade’s here, he seen you and Trevor kissing and flipped the hell out.”

  My eyes got big, “Oh…well—I’m not leaving. He’s got Belle so he shouldn’t care.”

  She shook her head, “They aren’t together. Listen there’s been a lot happen with him that I’m not going to tell you about right now. Just, just go home so he doesn’t go to jail.”

  I put my hands on my hips, narrowed my eyes at her then turned and unlocked the door and stormed out.

  I found Cade and Bryan standing outside the building. Bryan was watching Cade pace back and forth while muttering words that I couldn’t understand. “This just gets fucking better.” Bryan mumbled.

  “What?” Cade snapped then his eyes landed on me. He stopped pacing and stared at me like he couldn’t believe I was standing there.

  “Leave us alone Bryan.” He said never taking his eyes off of me.

  “Sorry brother I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Bryan argued back.

  “I said fucking leave!” Cade’s deep voice echoed around us.

  Bryan walked over to Cade, “Touch her and I’ll fucking kill you. Friends or not.”

  Cade’s jaw muscle ticked as he looked over the top of Bryan’s head at me. Bryan turned and walked away, “I don’t think you should talk to him, he’s had a little too much to drink.”

  “Nope, I’m going to talk to him. If he wants to be an asshole it won’t be the first time it’s happened.”

  Bryan blew out a breath and walked away mumbling something that sounded like, “The shit’s about to hit the fan.” The heavy steel door slammed shut behind him. Cade and I stood there staring at each other.

  “Why are you here?” he finally said.

  “Because it’s a bar, it’s a public establishment and my friend asked me to come.”

  He snorted, “You had to come flaunt him in my face huh?”

  I crossed my arms over my chest, “Well, the date was going good until somebody started throwing a temper tantrum. What’s your problem?”

  Cade’s long legs had him standing right in front of me before I could move away. I tried to take a couple of steps back but was stopped by the brick building. “My problem? My problem is you Sydney, you’re my fucking problem.” He practically yelled. The smell of whiskey and beer fanning across my face. His eyes were bloodshot with dark lines under each eye, a tired angry look masking his face.

  “Cade you’re drunk, get a ride home. Tomorrow you will forget we even talked.”

  He lowered his face so he was right in my face, “No Sydney I won’t. I can’t fucking forget about you. That’s the god damn problem.”

  Then his lips were on mine, this was the most aggressive kiss he had ever given me. Demanding me to give into him, biting my lip, trying to push his tongue into my mouth. “Fucking kiss me Sydney.” He gripped my face in his hand, so I couldn’t turn away from him. I froze, my heart thundered against my chest. Flashes of Ronnie doing the same thing to me just before he slapped me had tears falling down my cheeks.

  “Stop it…stop.” I said with a shaky voice.

  Cade punched the side of the building, blood trickled out of the small cuts as he stepped away. “Christ,” he ran a hand over his short buzz cut, “I’m sorry.”

  I placed my hands against his solid broad chest, “It’s a shitty feeling isn’t it Cade. Pretty shitty feeling seeing somebody with the one person that you know you can’t have.” I threw his words back at him. Then he was back in my face, jaw muscles clenching and unclenching, breathing faster, and trying not to lose what little control he had left. I pushed his buttons and was about to pay for it.

  “You know what else will give you that shitty feeling? When you’re fucking him and he doesn’t make you feel like I did. He won’t touch you the way you like to be touched,” he ran a finger across my chest then looked back into my eyes, “He won’t be able to kiss you the way you like, he won’t be able to get deep inside your pussy and make you milk his cock each time you come. Now that’s a shitty fucking feeling you get to deal with.”

  I slapped him—hard. “Fuck you.”

  “Been there done that babe.” He said with an evil grin and shrugged a shoulder.

  “You…you’re the one that pushed me away Cade. YOU are the one that took Belle back.”

  “I didn’t push you away, I gave you space like I was told to do. You, you know what? Fuck this and fuck you Sydney.” He walked past me back into the bar, the heavy door slamming shut behind him. The door opened and Theresa stepped out.

  “He’s gone.” She said softly as she walked towards me. “Trevor is looking for you inside.”

  I nodded my head and wiped the tears from the corners of my eyes, “Okay.” I straightened myself and started to walk inside.

  “You love him don’t you?” Theresa asked.

  “I think so, or at least I did.” I said with my hand resting on the handle of the door. “Another lesson learned.”

  The music was thumping out a loud fast song, people were dancing and laughing on the dance floor but nothing would take the ache out of my chest. The ache that I knew only Cade could make go away.

  On the drive to my house Trevor was quiet until we pulled into the driveway and he shut the car off. “I take it that something happened between you two. If looks could kill he ripped my head off and pissed down my throat when he walked back through the bar.”

  “I’m sorry the night ended like this. Cade’s,” I stopped talking trying to think of the right words, “some things between us need cleared up.” I knew that wasn’t a good enough explanation but I couldn’t go into detail.

  Trevor nodded his head, “I’m a patient person, talk things through with him and we’ll give this another try.” He gave me his signature sexy smile.

  “Okay.” I leaned across the console and hugged him. “Thank you for the evening.” I opened the car door and got out. Trevor opened his door and walked me to my front door, before I opened it he stopped me and kissed me deep. Cade was right, that kiss didn’t take my breath away and start a fire deep inside of me.

  “Now I will leave.” He kissed me softly then walked back to his car and left.

  Have you ever heard that country song by Tyler Farr called Redneck Crazy? That was what I was starting to feel like. I was about to get my “pissed off on” when I seen Sydney with that scrawny son of a bitch on the dance floor. Then…they kissed, red…that’s the color I seen just before my beer bottle slammed against the wall. Men and women scattered away from the pool tables.

  “Fuckin’ take it outside.” A bouncer yelled and tried to grab my elbow. I swung at his head but he ducked down. “Outside asshole!” He grabbed my arm and tucked it up behind my back as he pushed me out the side door.

  I paced back and forth, trying to take deep breathes but nothing was helping. Bryan bounded down the three metal steps. His boots crunched against the gravel as he charged towards me.

  “What in the fuck man?” he yelled as he approached me.

  My hands on my hip I stared up at the sky, “Go the fuck away.”

  He laughed, “Not a chance, care to explain what the hell just went on in there?”

  This time it was me that laughed—bitterly. “Are you stupid?”

  Before he could say anything the metal door swung open, out walked Sydney. And she was pissed.

  ~~~~ 3 Months Later ~~~~

  I left her standing there that night, not because I wanted to…I had to. Until she actually admitted and realized that the feelings we felt towards each other were not going to go away, I couldn’t be around her. Seeing her in the arms of another man, his lips on hers. I know now how she felt when she had walked in on me and Belle.

  I decided not to sale the house, part of me wanted to but I knew that I would regret it. The next morning I left on my motorcycle. After calling in a favor from another club, there I sat on the deck of a beach house a cold beer in my hand and a club whore dancing and stripping in front of me. I tried everything to forget about her, sometimes after enough tequila I actually did. Until the next morning when I would wake up from my alcohol induced haze with a nameless woman next to me in bed.

  Bryan had called numerous times wanting to know when I would be coming back, each time I told him; “Whenever I feel like it.”

  He knew not to bring up Sydney, I didn’t ask about her and he didn’t tell.

  The club whore with fire red hair started to pull her black lace thong down, my eyes still on her I answered my phone.

  “Brother you need to come back this weekend, its Prez and his old ladies anniversary party.” Bryan told me.

  “Cool, tell them I said to have a good time.”

  “No way man, get your ass back here. Quit bein’ a pussy.”

  The red head vixen walked towards me and straddled my lap, when her lips brushed my neck I pushed her face away. “I’ll see you in a couple of days.” I told Bryan and hung up. Then I lifted the woman by her hips and stood her in front of me. “I’ve gotta head out.”

  “Seriously?” she lowered her head and looked up at me from her thick lashes.

  “See yourself out.” I patted her shoulder then walked out.


  I backed my bike in next to Bryan’s, I could already here the music blasting from inside the club house. Looking around the parking lot I didn’t see Sydney’s car anywhere but there was a white Ford Mustang I didn’t recognize.

  Inside the clubhouse members were doing tequila shots at the bar, some had their old ladies pinned down on the bar doing a body shot.

  “THERE’S THE MAN!” I heard one of the members shout, I scanned the bar area and walked over to Jeffrey. He gave me a one armed hug and a pat on the back, “Glad you decided to grace us with your ugly mug again.”

  I laughed and shook the hands of the other members that were standing around us. A heavy hand slapped down on my shoulder and squeezed. “About god damn time you come out of hiding.” I turned and there stood Lucifer.

  “Where’s that hot wife of yours? I came back to show her what she’s missing out on?” I said and looked around the bar.

  “Shit son, she’s had all she could ever need for thirty years. Your young ass couldn’t satisfy her.” He said with a laugh and handed me a shot glass with tequila in it. Normally I hated tequila, unless I was trying to forget Sydney.

  “Cheers.” I said and clanked the shot glass against the bottle in his hand then tossed the burning liquid down my throat. Bryan walked up and handed me a cold beer and for the next couple of hours we stood around talking about anything and everything the club had been doing. More tequila shots were taken, I finally had a good buzz going when she walked up.

  “Hey Cade.” Sydney smiled up at me.

  I lazily dragged my eyes down her body, her tight blood red strapless dress paired with some spikey ass black leather boots fit her body perfect. Slowly I looked back up her body, my eyes resting on the tattoo in the middle of her chest, ‘Love Kills Slowly’ written inside small banners with two pistols pointing down between her cleavage. Red, yellow, and blue flowers wrapped around each pistol grip. I looked up at her face a small diamond stud pierced her nose and another matching one on the other side of her face where a beauty mark would be.

  “What’s up?” I asked and looked past her shoulder. There sitting at a table talking to Theresa was the son of a bitch from that night at the bar. I looked back at Theresa and grinned, took a drink of beer and stared into her eyes that were staring back into mine. I licked my lips free of the beer, her eyes moved down to my lips and watched my tongue slide back inside my mouth. “You need something?” I asked. Sydney’s eyes snapped back up to mine.

  “I uh… Just wanted to come say Hi.”

  I nodded and turned my back to her, with my elbows resting on the bar I watched her through the mirror as she walked back to the table where her friends were sitting.

  “Dude you can’t ride home, go crash in a room upstairs.” Bryan laughed as he snatched my bike keys away from me. He was right, I was in no condition to ride. I f
lipped him off over my shoulder as I walked my drunk ass upstairs. Each door I passed I could hear moaning and cries of ecstasy from women. I knocked on the last door before I twisted the knob and walked in. I threw my cut onto the back of a chair, pulled my shirt, kicked my boots off, stripped my jeans off and dropped down on the bed onto my back. There was a knock on the door, “Go away! Occupied!” I yelled. When the door knob twisted and the door slowly opened I removed my arm from my face and looked to see who was about to get a boot thrown at their head.

  Sydney stood just inside the door, slowly she turned and shut it, and took a deep breath before she turned around and faced me again. I didn’t move off of the bed, I stared back at her. “Can we talk?”

  I rumbled a laugh, “Nah, we’re good.” I said and closed my eyes. I knew that if we tried to talk it would just lead to us arguing, her crying and me tearing the clubhouse apart looking for my keys. I opened one eye and found her still standing a few feet from the bed, her eyes looking my body over and the corner of her bottom lip pinched between her teeth. “What do you want?” I asked and closed my eyes again. When she didn’t answer I sat up on the bed, her eyes tracking my every move as I walked towards her. I stopped a few inches from her, looking down at her I could see her breathing was getting faster her chest rising and falling as her eyes moved up from my chest until she was looking me in the eye. Moving my hand up to her chest, I slid my finger across her tattoo, “I like this.” Her breathing grew faster, goose bumps covered her skin, her nipples pressed against the fabric of the dress. Slowly I moved my finger down and circled one of her peaked nipples through the fabric, “Why’d you come in here?”

  She opened her eyes, “I…”

  Still waiting for her to tell my way I bent down and ran my tongue from her collar bone to her ear, “You what?” I whispered. Her hands slid up my forearms to my biceps, she swayed slightly. I stood up and took a step back, “Not a good idea for you to be in here Syd, your boyfriend will be looking for you.”