Rewind Read online

Page 5

  When we walked into the small room I sat down on the bed and glared at Ronnie as he looked around the room. His eyes landed on me, a smile crept across his lips, “Don’t be mad babe, hell I’ve got big shoulders you know that I can take a lot of shit from people. Who knows maybe I’ll want to join the club.” He lifted a shoulder and put his hands in his pockets.

  I rolled my eyes and shook my head, “Not gonna happen sorry.” I mumbled.

  “So did I ruin your plans for the weekend or something? Were you going to fuck one of the guys or what? You’re being a little bitch.” He said half yelling half normal.

  I shook my head, “Yeah that’s totally it, why didn’t you just ride with me? It would have saved you some fuel.” I said in a sarcastic tone. Before he could answer there was a light tap on the door, I got off the bed and went over and cracked the door open.

  Betty smiled big at me, I opened the door wide and hugged her as she hugged me, “You ran by me like your booty was in trouble. Everything okay?” She asked and pulled away from me.

  “Yeah, I had somebody coming in the back door and didn’t think it would be too good if one of the guys had to let my boyfriend in.”

  Ronnie walked up behind me and extended his hand to Betty, she looked at his hand then at me then at Ronnie. I introduced them and waited for the awkward silence to pass. “Well then, come downstairs so I can make you something to eat and you can tell me how your last year of college is going.” She said with a smile and looped her arm through mine. Ronnie trailed behind us in silence, probably sensing that he wasn’t totally welcome in the club house. None the less, I knew that my dad was going to be furious that I had brought him in without permission.

  We sat down at the bar, Betty made us scrambled eggs and sausage and handed us each a mug of coffee. Like always the aroma of food woke the sleeping guys up and one by one they started to trickle into the bar area. Once they all realized I was there they each hugged me and eyed Ronnie while grumbling a hello to him. “Where’s the bathroom?” he asked me and looked around the room that was now full of guys and their old ladies.

  “You’ll be better off if you go use the one in the room upstairs.” I told him flatly. I could feel eyes staring over at us and wanted to hide under the bar. I could tell not a single person approved of him being in there with me. “Be back in a few.” He kissed my cheek and strolled through the room not looking at any of the people that were following him with their glaring eyes.

  When he was out of the room one of the guys rushed over to the bar, “What in the FUCK did you bring a guy in here for? Your dad is going to be beyond pissed Syd.” Cody said trying not to yell.

  I shook my head, “I didn’t bring him he followed me. That’s my boyfriend, I explained it to him last week that he wouldn’t want to come this weekend.” I laid my head against the bar and tapped my forehead against it. “Mom knows he’s here, maybe she’ll be able to soften dad up a little without giving it away that we are here.” Just as I finished talking the double doors were swung up, Cody turned and stood in front of me hiding me from whoever was walking in, his shoulders relaxed and he stepped out of the way. There was Bryan and whoa … the sexiest, mouthwatering, tall, muscular, tattooed man I had ever laid eyes on walking next to him. The guy smiled and shook the hands of the guys and nodded at their ‘Old Ladies’.

  I couldn’t take my eyes off of the guy as him and Bryan continued their walk to the bar. “Syd this is Cade McAllister, Cade this is Sydney the Prez’s daughter.”

  He smiled at me, his teeth were perfectly straight, bright white, and his eyes sparkled with mischievousness. “Pleasure to meet you.” He nodded. That voice, OH MY GOD. His voice was deeper than Ronnie’s, so deep I swear it vibrated me to my core. Betty cleared her throat interrupting the X rated thoughts that were entering my mind. I broke the stare from Cade and looked at Betty. She nodded her head towards the hallway to let me know Ronnie was on his way back to the bar.

  “Who the fuck is that?” Bryan said with anger lasing his voice and looked at the others then at me. “You can’t be fucking serious Syd.” He shook his head and ran his hand through his hair.

  Ronnie sat back down beside me, eyeing Cade and Bryan both, oh this is so not good. Bryan might only be a ‘Prospect’ but he didn’t let it slide that Ronnie wasn’t welcome in the Club. “Sup.” Ronnie said and wrapped his arm around my waist. I wanted to slap his arm away and run out of the room.

  Bryan looked at his arm then at me, I glanced over at Cade that was in an intense stare down with Ronnie. Obviously Cade knew the rules of the club, and I had broken it by bringing a stranger in without the approval of a member.

  “Syd, we need to have a little chat.” Bryan said to me. I tried to stand but Ronnie squeezed my hip and held me in place. Not good, sooooo not good. I said over and over in my head.

  The Vice President and my dad’s closest friend Duane walked over to the where the four of us were. “Syd,” he shook his head, “Prez is going to be pissed but hopefully he’ll let it slide since this is all supposed to be a big surprise.” He looked at Ronnie, “Boy you picked the wrong fucking weekend to come meet her parents.” He turned and went back to the table. The bar phone rang, Betty jumped then turned around and answered it.

  “That was your mom, your dad is headed over here. Go to your room.” She looked at Ronnie, “You better pray to God he doesn’t think anything is going on because he’ll turn this club upside down until he finds the problem.”

  I grabbed Ronnie’s hand and walked as fast as I could out of the bar area, when we got to the room I pushed him through the door way. I locked the door and started pacing the floor, “I can’t believe you let them assholes talk to me like that. Have you and Bryan been together he was sure staring you down, or maybe it was that motherfucker Cade.” Ronnie said with an angry tone as he leaned against the wall.

  I glared up at him, I held up a finger at him, One; those guys are not assholes they are like family to me. Two; no I haven’t slept with Bryan he’s just following club rules. Three; I have never met Cade until today. Four; I sure hope this makes you happy knowing those guys are pissed at me. Five; You can’t say that I didn’t warn you about any of them. I am here to celebrate my dad’s birthday and relax, I haven’t been home in months so please knock off your attitude and try to be in a good fucking mood for a change.”

  Ronnie stopped me from pacing by grabbing me by the biceps, “Don’t fucking tell me that I have to stand back and watch as other guys you consider family eye fuck you. I don’t like seeing other men touch you and I sure as fuck don’t like seeing them strip you naked with their eyes. You’re a fucking idiot if you don’t think Bryan would bang you given the chance.” He shoved me away from him and started to walk out the door.

  “Do not go out there!” I whisper yelled and felt the panic start to rise in my body. “Just wait until the party starts in a couple of hours hopefully they’ll have chilled out by then.”

  We sat in the room for just a little over an hour, not speaking, not touching, not even looking at each other. I could tell that Ronnie was not just a little pissed he was furious. My mom text my cell phone to hurry down to the bar area and hide. I jumped off the bed and started to walk out of the room, Ronnie started to follow but I stopped him. “It would be better if you just wait for me to come get you.” I told him then walked out and left him standing in the room.

  The bar area was completely dark so I used my cell phone to be able to weave my way around the table until I found a chair and sat down at the center table and faced the door. “Cheryl I don’t know why you don’t just call Betty again. She’s probably elbow deep in food for the guys.” Dad said when he pushed through the doors. I heard the flick of the switch but no lights came on, flick flick flickflickflick, “What in the fucking hell is wrong with the switch?” dad said. I covered my mouth to keep from busting out in a fit of laughter. Just hearing dad’s voice and how mom was trying not to laugh too made my day all better.

  “Flick it again why don’t you.” Mom laughed then the lights turned on and everybody jumped up to yell ‘Surprise’. George Jones ~ I Don’t Need Your Rocking Chair started blaring through the speakers. Dad looked around at everybody then at me, his eyes got big and his smile grew wider. I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around his shoulders, “Happy Birthday Prez!” I sighed against his shoulder.

  “Holy shit baby girl you actually came to visit!” He pushed me away and looked me over from head to toe. I was smiling big until dads eyes narrowed. I thought he was looking at one of the guys behind me until he pushed my hair away from my neck. “You’ve got to be shitting me Syd.” He was no longer smiling he was straight up one hundred ninety nine percent pissed. Mom stepped behind him and looked at my neck then shook her head. “Where the fuck is he?”

  “Umm.” I pinched my lips together.

  “Don’t even try to stall; I heard the six fifty earlier and it sure as fuck didn’t belong to any of these guys.” He crossed his arms over his chest and glared at me.

  I hung my head like a puppy that was in trouble, turned and walked out of the bar to go get Ronnie. I opened the door to the room and glared at Ronnie then turned and started to walk away. He caught up with me and grabbed my hand to stop me, “I’m sorry babe I just didn’t want to be away from you. If it’s going to piss everybody off I’ll leave.” He said with a sincere tone.

  “Too late, dad already knows because of the hickey and he heard your bike earlier.” I told him. “I think you followed me because you don’t trust me, because you’re afraid I’ll do whatever it was Shelby did. I’m not like that just so you know.” I said and walked away from him.

  Dad was at the bar talking to the guys when we walked in, he looked at me and smiled then it fell off his face when he seen Ronnie behind me. I walked over to dad and waited for Ronnie to stand beside me. I introduced him to my parents and watched as my dad’s jaw muscle ticked, “You ever fucking mark my baby girl with that shit again and I’ll sew your god damn lips shut. She’s not to be treated like a fucking whore that you can put marks on. You under fucking stand me?” he said to Ronnie.

  “Sorry it was a heat of the moment type thing.” Ronnie said.

  Dad shook his head, “I’m going to pretend that you didn’t just fucking say that. I’m not going to let this night get ruined. I suggest you watch your god damn p’s and q’s while you’re here. You as much as even look at her wrong in my presence and you’ll regret it.”

  Thankfully Ronnie chose to not reply, dad turned and looked at me and opened his arms hugging me tighter then he whispered in my ear, “He’s not a good man Syd.” Then pulled away and put a fake smile on his face.

  The night went good, luckily Ronnie stayed away from dad and most of the other guys except for the ones that were playing pool. I chose to stop drinking at two beers because I wasn’t really in the mood to even get a buzz. “Where’s he staying?” Dad asked from behind me as we both watched Ronnie shoot the pool ball across the table with a loud crack.

  “I have no idea.” I already knew what dad was going to say.

  “Not here and sure as hell not in my house.” he told me.

  “I can’t send him back to campus since he’s been drinking and it’s close to midnight.” I said and looked up at dad.

  “Nope but he can sure rent a motel room.” He grabbed his phone out of the pocket of his leather cut and dialed a number. After a few minutes he looked down at me, “There that’s settled I was nice enough to rent him a room. He can come back in the morning.”

  I walked over to Ronnie and knew it was going to make him furious that he couldn’t stay with me. Surprisingly he didn’t say much other than he was going to leave. I walked with him out to his bike, avoiding the glaring eyes that I could feel from everybody. Once we were outside Ronnie straddled his bike and pulled me towards him. “I’ll just see you tomorrow at the campus, I’m going to go crash at the hotel then head back around nine tomorrow morning.”

  I nodded my head and wrapped my arms around his neck, we stood there staring into each other’s eyes for a minute. “I’m sorry that this was such a bad first meeting.” I told him.

  He just shrugged a shoulder, “I got to spend time with you, I hate being away from you. I’d better get out of here. I’ll see you tomorrow sometime.” He kissed me letting his lips linger for an extra couple of seconds. “I love you.”

  I smiled big at him, “I love you too.”

  He pulled his helmet on and fastened the chin strap, started his motorcycle and carefully drove around the building. I listened and sure enough as soon as he turned on to the highway he opened the throttle as he shifted through the gears. The loud throaty scream of the pipes echoed through the darkness and faded to a low hum.

  When I pulled the back door open and walked in I ran directly into the solid broad chest of a man. I jumped and screamed causing myself to stumble back. Two large tattooed hands darted out and grabbed my biceps, I winced and then righted myself.

  I looked up, all the air left my lungs when I was looking into the deep green eyes of Cade McAllister. He cocked his head to the side and looked at me, “You okay?” he asked in his baritone voice.

  I took in a deep breath, big mistake, huge mistake. His cologne mixed with the smell of the leather cut, made my knees almost give out. “Yeah, sorry about that.” I said and tried to step around him.

  He stopped me, lifted up the sleeve of my shirt, “You sure about that?” he lightly traced the bruises that dotted my arm.

  I yanked my arm away, “I said I’m fine, why were you standing right there?”

  He raised an eyebrow at me, “Because Prez wanted me to come make sure that asshole wasn’t banging his daughter.”

  I rolled my eyes and walked away feeling Cades eyes as he no doubt stared me down until I turned the corner and disappeared out of his view.

  Finally about one thirty in the morning my fun meter had reached its limit and most everybody had either left or went to bed. I hugged my parents and turned to walk out the front doors. “Hey Syd, do me a favor and stay in the club tonight.” Dad said with a wink. When it registered with me why he wanted me to and the look that mom was giving him, I gagged, yes gagged. They both laughed at me so I turned and walked back down the hall and upstairs to the room I was going to stay in. I walked into the room and froze when I heard the shower running. Who in the hell was in there, I figured it was one of the ‘old ladies’ so I stripped out of my clothes put a tank top on and my hair into a pony tail. Then without knocking I went into the bathroom so I could brush my teeth. I glanced out the corner of my eye at the shower, expecting to see a woman. Instead I saw over six foot of all man. Tattoos were covering each of his thick muscular legs, shampoo bubbles rolled down the wide solid muscular chest that I had ran into earlier. His arms, chest, back, and neck were all covered with tattoos. I stared with my mouth hanging wide open, I was unable to move and unable to stop looking at the perfect body. Then when he turned to rinse his back I almost fainted at the sight of his cock. It was massive, it was thick and it was pierced. Never in my sexual life had I seen one of that size, I snapped my mouth shut. With the soap in his hand he rolled it under the water and created a foam of bubbles then he stroked the long-thick muscle. My clit started to tingle and my blood turned to fiery streams as it coursed through me right to my core. Then…he stopped stroking himself and cleared his throat—twice. I shook my head and looked up at him, he had a look of hunger, desire, need, and want in his eyes.

  “You uh, need something little girl?” he asked with a grin.

  “You need to get out of the shower, this is my room.” I turned and walked out of the bathroom and over to the bed. I couldn’t shake the memory of what I had seen and my body wasn’t going to let me forget either. Little girl…he would be lucky if I don’t slap him. I snorted at that though, I’d practically have to jump just to slap his cheek. The shower shut off and my eyes snapped up to the doorway. He came out with a towel wrapped
around his waist, drops of water still misted across the broad chest he stood there arms crossed over the thick pecs.

  “You wanna leave the room so I can get dressed and go to sleep please.” He wasn’t asking me to leave he was telling me to.

  I shook my head, “Sorry buddy my bags were in here first you can go sleep in the lounge.” I stood from the bed and walked into the bathroom. My dad would kill him if he knew he was in the same room with me in nothing but a thin white cotton towel. I quickly brushed my teeth, washed my face and went back out hoping he would be gone. My body couldn’t take much more of him, my shoulders dropped when I seen him still on the bed…in the towel only.

  “I don’t think they want to see me naked out there, it doesn’t seem to bother you though.” He said and grinned.

  “Uhmm…” it did bother me—so much I wanted to lick every single tattoo and get a closer look at the piercing. “Fine I’ll go sleep out there.” I turned to walk out but his voice saying my name sent a vibration down my spine.

  “Sydney, it’s cool. I will sleep on the floor.”

  I turned back around, “Put some clothes on.” I finally looked at his devastatingly handsome face again. He licked his lips and toyed with the tongue ring, sweet jesus. There was absolutely no way I could sleep in the same room as him. Then it hit me, I searched my purse for my cell phone.

  “Who are you calling this late?” he stood up from the bed and grabbed my phone.

  “Hey!” I lunged for the phone causing him to laugh and fall back on the bed. I was stretched out across his body. It was like a solid brick wall against my palm. “I am going to call my best friends parents.” I quickly moved off of him.

  “You’re not driving anywhere so chill the fuck out little girl.” He said with a laugh then handed me my phone. He watched to make sure I wasn’t going to make any phone calls. Walked over to the closet grabbed another pillow and a thin blanket then laid down on the floor. I stepped over him and heard him suck in a breath, great job Sydney you just flashed your goods at him. I shut the lamp off and hurriedly climbed under the blanket.