Rewind Read online

Page 12

  “Those boys don’t sneak around until between eleven and eleven thirty seven. This guy showed up at your house earlier. He was wearing a white shirt and a white hat with a security system logo on them. He’s changed and is in all black now.”

  “Okay, I guess I’ll call the cops and just go stay at my parents’ house. Thank you.” I started to hang up.

  “Sydney don’t you dare leave that house until the cops get there,” I heard her back door open and her dog bones start barking again, “Bones will keep me alert to where the guy is.”

  My body was shaking, and my heart racing, “How—how long ago did you call them?”

  “About seven minutes ago, do you have any idea who it is?”

  “I have a pretty good idea, but I’m not positive. I’ll call him tomorrow and see if it was him.” The only person I knew, I could feel that it was…was Ronnie.

  “They are coming down the alley right now sweet heart, I’ll stay on the phone with you until the officer comes to your door. I can’t see him moving around anywhere so maybe Bones scared him away.” I heard her call Bones back inside and praise him with a doggy treat.

  “Thank You.” I said around the lump in my throat.

  The cops shined bright spotlights towards my house, and at each of the neighbor’s houses and slowly circled the block before they pulled into my driveway. Three hard knocks on the door about made me drop my phone, I walked over and asked who it was. The police officer stated his name so I cracked the door open to make sure he was who he said.

  “We’ve been circling the block most of the night with reports of a suspicious white male lurking around. Haven’t found anybody though, with you being here by yourself unless you have protection maybe you should go stay with a friend or relative.” The officer told me.

  “I think I will, will you wait for me to get a few things and keep an eye out for the person so I don’t get jumped.”


  I ran back to my bedroom and threw an arm full of clothes in my overnight bag and ran back to the front of the house. The officers were shining their flash lights around the corners of the house, looking in the bushes and across the street. When I walked out they both watched me as I went in the garage and backed my car out.

  “We’ll let you know if we do find the person, if this continues you let us know.”

  “Thank you so much, I will most definitely keep an eye out.”

  I knew there was no way I was going to go to my parents’ house and tell them what was going on. So I called Theresa, her phone went right to voicemail, I drove by her house and she wasn’t there which meant she was probably at Bryan’s house. I knew with the rain from earlier in the day my car would slide all over the place and probably end up in the ditch so I called Ryan.

  “Kinda busy here boss.” He answered. I heard a woman’s giggle.

  “Umm, okay. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Later.” He said and the woman giggled again.

  I drove through town, a vehicle sped up and got as close as possible to my rear bumper as they could without hitting it. When I tried to turn the Bluetooth on for my phone so I could call the cops, my phone beeped three times and shut off. “Are you kidding me?” I yelled and tried to power it on only to have nothing happen. If I would actually plug it in throughout the day it would be fully charged when I needed it. But I was horrible about not plugging it in until it died.

  When I pulled up to the stop light another vehicle pulled in between me and the other vehicle blocking it from my view. The light turned green and I accelerated across the intersection, the same white car behind me and the other vehicle behind it. I didn’t know where else to go besides Cade’s house. It had started to rain again causing my back window to streak, but when I seen the white car turn a different direction and the other head lights grew closer to my car I knew I had to get there fast.

  About a mile from Cade’s house, it was a down pour, my wipers were running full speed and my back tires kept trying to break loose in the puddle of water on the small highway. “AHH” I screamed when a fat raccoon tried to run in front of me. I didn’t even bother slamming on the brakes, it thudded and bumped under the front of my car and out the back. I looked at the clock it was right at ten o’clock. Hopefully Cade was home and not at the bar or I was going to end up hurt—I could feel it.

  I wiped the rain from my face after I came inside. Belle needed the hardtop put back on her Jeep so she could go to work at the hospital. She was happy that she was finally finished with classes and able to work as a CNA.

  “Hey Cade?” Belle said and looked nervous.

  “What’s up?” I asked as I walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water.

  “I need to tell you something.”

  “Ok shoot.” I smiled at her.

  “I’m pregnant.”

  The drink of water I had in my mouth shot out my nose and mouth onto the granite counter top. I stood there choking for a few seconds until I could catch my breath.

  “What? How? We…” I couldn’t stop stuttering.

  “It’s not yours.” She said as her shoulders sagged.

  “Excuse me?” I said and turned my head, “Say that again? I know I don’t have the best hearing…”

  She started crying, “I’m so sorry, oh god. Please don’t hate me.” She sobbed and sat down on the bar stool, hiding her face from me.

  “When… I mean who? Wait don’t tell me because I’ll kill the motherfucker.”

  “I’m sorry.” She repeated.

  I didn’t get a chance to say anything else because somebody started beating on the front door. Loud hard knocks, non-stop. With the thick sheets of raining coming down I couldn’t see the vehicle that was parked in the driveway, when I opened the door Sydney rambled something and tried to step inside but fell and landed on her ass on the travertine tiles of the entryway. When she tried to get up she slipped again, “What the fuck is wrong with you?” I said because she was acting like she was being chased by the grim reaper.

  “He’s – back.” She whispered and started shaking.

  “What?” I asked, “Who’s back?”

  “I need to go to work Cade, I’ll call you later.” Bella kissed my cheek and helped Sydney up from the floor since obviously my brain wasn’t functioning.

  “Oh god, I’m so sorry. I just…I need to go she is going to think I’m crazy. She’s going to be so pissed.” Sydney was rambling, her eyes darting at the open door then back at her feet.

  I watched as a vehicle passed the driveway, then Bella pulled out and left—for good.

  “SYDNEY!” I yelled causing her to jump, she was still shaking and looking out the front door. “WHO is back?” I slammed the door.

  “Ronnie, he…he found where I live. The neighbor, Bones, then the cops came and told me to leave since I lived by myself.”

  “Your neighbors name is Bones?”


  “Who’s Bones?”

  She threw her hands up and slapped them down on her hips, “The neighbor’s dog, Bones! He was what alerted the neighbor that Ronnie was in my back yard. She seen him trying to open my back door and then tried to open my screens.”

  I walked her over to the couch, she sat down and I sat on the ottoman in front of her, “Are you sure it’s him?”

  “I’m not really positive but…I think he’s mad that I blocked his number on my phone. I haven’t talked to him since before we graduated and the whole ER visit and—..” she clamped her mouth shut.

  “What fucking ER visit, you blocked him on your phone. So he’s been trying to call you?”

  She buried her face in her hands and rested her elbows on her knees, I pulled her hands down gently and tipped her chin up so I could see her face. “I’m sorry for showing up here, I tried to call Theresa and Ryan but they were both busy. I couldn’t go to my parent’s house, because, well dad would hunt him down and kill him. I don’t want dad going to prison because of him. God your girlfr
iend looked pissed, ugg this is drama that you don’t need. Please call your girlfriend so I can apologize to her. She probably thinks I’m a lunatic.”

  “You’re totally avoiding my question, tell me what happened at the ER.” I said softly.

  “It’s in the past, I’m going to just go home. Again I’m sorry.” She stood up and quickly walked out of the house.

  My brain finally registered that she was getting ready to leave I ran out of the house and stopped her just as she opened her car door. The rain was still coming down in sheets, drenching her hair and clothes. “Stop, God damn it!” I shut her door and spun her around. “Tell me what the fuck is going on.” When she looked up at me her face was lit only by the light from the front porch, bright flashes of lightning webbed in the clouds above us. I brushed her hair away from her face, “Talk to me Sydney.” I said softly. She looked from my eyes to my lips, then again from my eyes to my lips, our breathing was getting faster. When she licked her lips I couldn’t stop myself, I lowered my lips to hers waiting for her to push me away, she didn’t so I stepped closer and pinned her against the car. I could feel her heart pounding against my chest, then she stiffened and tried to push me away. When I felt her pull her knee back I twisted my body and took a knee to the thigh. The kiss was broken but I didn’t move away, “Quit fucking fighting this.”

  “You are just like all the others, why would you kiss me when you have her?”

  I shook my head and brushed my lips against hers, “I don’t have her anymore, and it’s never been her that I wanted.”

  A loud crack of lighting caused her to jump, “I, what?” she said and shook her head. She was now shivering and her teeth were chattering, so I grabbed her hand and led her back inside. I locked the front door, when she tried to pull her hand away I gripped it tighter and shook my head at her. I led her upstairs and into the bathroom. The large glass shower filled with steam when the water heated, I slowly peeled her clothes off, never taking my eyes off of hers. I pulled each of her shoes and socks off and stood up. Then helped her get in the shower and shut the door, I walked out of the bathroom and stripped my own wet clothes off. I went back downstairs to shut all the lights off and there sat a pickup at the end of the driveway. The rain had stopped but the lightning flashes showed it was indeed Ronnie in his green Ford pickup. I grabbed the pistol out of the entry way table, opened the door and pointed it directly at him, as soon as I clicked the safety off he peeled away and disappeared out of sight. With the safety back on I gently put the gun back in the drawer, shut the rest of the lights off and went back upstairs.

  “Cade?” Sydney said from the other side of the bathroom door.


  “I don’t have any dry clothes will you go get my bag out of the car for me please?”

  I went over to the dresser and got one of my t-shirts and a pair of boxers out for her. I laughed knowing they were going to be way too big but they would do for now. I tapped on the door, she opened it and was standing there in one of the white bath towels. “They’ll be too big but they’ll do.”

  “Thank You.” She shut the door then a few minutes later came out of the bathroom. The sight of her wearing my overly big clothes made my heart skip a beat. She stood at the edge of the bed where I was stretched out. “Do you have some extra bedding, I can go sleep on the couch.”

  “Sydney get your ass in the bed.” I said flatly.

  She shook her head, “I think it’s better if I sleep on the couch.”

  “Get in or I put you in.”

  She sighed, pulled the covers back and laid down. We both stared at the ceiling waiting for one of us to start talking.

  “The ER visit was because--…” Sydney spoke softly and started telling me everything.

  Thirty minutes later my blood was boiling, I scrubbed my hands down my face, “Why the fuck didn’t you call me? Why didn’t Theresa call Bryan?”

  “Because of dad, and knowing what will happen when he does find out.”

  I turned my head and looked at this beautiful woman, the woman that had consumed my every thought since the first night at the club house. “You do know he’s going to find out, but it’s not going to be just your dad. The MC doesn’t usually get violent unless you mess with one of them or their family members.”

  “I know.” She turned her head and looked at me. “He’s not worth going to jail for.” She rolled on her side to face me. “What about her?”

  I rolled over and faced Sydney, I brushed a lock of wet hair behind her ear, “She’s pregnant.” Sydney’s eyes got big and she started to move to get out of the bed. I gently grabbed her waist, “it’s not mine, we’ve never had unprotected sex.”

  We laid there staring at each other, “I’m sorry,” She said softly, “for everything.”

  I gave her a weak smile, then leaned closer until my lips were hovering over hers. Her hot breath caressing my lips, “Can I kiss you now without having to dodge knees, hands, or without you biting me?”

  She nodded her head yes, so I lowered my lips to hers. Her hands moved to my face, then around to the back of my neck. I moved so I was lying on top of her but bracing my weight on my forearms. Once our tongues met we both moaned, her moan sending a shot of need right to my dick that was as hard as granite under my sweat pants. She grabbed my tongue ring with her lips and circled my tongue with hers. With one of her hands at the base of my neck slowly she moved the other to my chest and tugged on my nipple ring. I rocked my hips forward and felt her smile, her hand slid down my ribs and around my back where she lightly ran her fingers down the side. I finally broke the kiss because if she kept nibbling my tongue ring and touching me all over, I was going to pop my load in my pants.

  “Sydney, I don’t think you’re ready for what I have in mind.”

  “I think you’re wrong.” She argued softly.

  I laid my head against her shoulder, “Fuck.” I said and laughed. “If you want to stop, then now’s the time because…” I pushed my hips forward so she could feel the hardness against her center. “That’s aching to be inside of you.”

  She licked the edge of my ear and whispered, “Please?” then scratched her finger nails down my rib cage to the waist band of my sweat pants and pushed them down. I moved away from her so I could get the shirt and boxers off that she had on. My sweatpants were next then I was covering her body with mine again. “Are you on the pill or birth control?”

  “Please don’t ask that.” She said with her eyes closed.

  “Uhm…do you want me to wear a condom?” she would have to explain that sentence to me later.

  She opened her eyes, “No, I’m clean I promise.” Her eyes rolled back and closed when I pushed the tip inside of her wet pussy.

  “Sydney, your pussy is nice and wet but—I think you’re going to want me to use some lube because the tip isn’t even in and your tensing up.”

  She opened her eyes, “Yeah, but…”

  I reached into the night stand and grabbed the lube, I put some in my hand and stroked my cock then rubbed her pussy. “Ready?”

  She nodded her head and closed her eyes, “Open your eyes for me.” I whispered.

  Our eyes locked on each other’s I pushed harder as her pussy muscles stretched until they were gripping my cock like a tight fist. One by one the piercings dragged through the tightness, I pushed until I couldn’t fit any more of my cock inside of her. “Christ…” she moaned.

  “You okay?” I asked with a grin.

  “I have never, my,” She was making no sense.

  I pulled out and slowly sank back inside of her as far as I could. “You what?”

  “More.” She said and arched her neck.

  “More Lube?”

  She shook her head no, “Faster.”

  I laughed and pulled out then thrust back inside of her, her pussy was flooded with her come so I pulled out and ran the length of my cock up her slit. The piercings against her clit made her gasp and dig her fingernails into the base of
my neck. She kissed me and whimpered each time the barbells slid against her clit, I pushed back inside of her then leaned back onto my knees and worked her pussy back and forth on my cock. Each time I would pull out it was covered with her slickness, “Fucking beautiful.” I said and looked up at her. She leaned up onto her elbows and watched as my strokes got faster and harder. With my thumb circling her clit her legs started to quiver.

  “Cade, fuck.” She threw her head back but kept her weight on her elbows. Her perfect tits bounced with each thrust back inside of her. I reached forward and pinched and rolled one of her tight nipples. “Oh god, stop.” She tried to push my hand away from her clit, “I can’t take it anymore.”

  “Oh yeah you can, your pussy isn’t quivering yet.” I said and moaned as I felt another gush of come surround my cock. “You’ve come at least four times.”

  She moaned that beautiful womanly whimper, “It feels like I’m going to pee if you don’t stop.” Another push of my hand but I held my thumb firmly against it.

  “You’re not going to pee, trust me.”

  “Oh my god Cade …do you always talk this much?”

  I laughed, “Quit trying to push my hand away.” I pulled my dick out and slid it against her clit again. “Now, I’ll finish what I started.”

  I pressed my thumb against her clit and flicked it, then circled it. She started moaning a bunch of words I couldn’t understand and then it happened. She threw her head back and said my name followed by a few cuss words as her entire body shook. My balls tightened up, and a streak of fire shot down my back as I pumped hard into her a few more times and pulled on her hips until she flinched from my cock that was now pressing against her cervix and shooting streams of come against it. With each twitch of my cock she moaned. When I started to pull out her muscles clamped down so I stopped. “If you don’t let go of it I’m going to have to sleep with it in you, that means no sleep for either of us.” I said and laughed.

  “I can’t help it. What the hell just happened, I seen specks of white behind my eyes.” She shivered when I pressed it back inside of her.