Rewind Read online

Page 13

  “That’s what you call an orgasm.”

  “Now I’m tired.” Her muscles finally relaxed so I pulled out and tapped the head against her sensitive clit. She quickly slapped at it and covered herself.

  I grabbed the shirt she had put on after she got out of the shower and wiped myself off, I noticed a tinge of blood against the white fabric. “Sydney, did I hurt you?”

  “Probably with that monster.” She said with her eyes closed. “Why?”

  “There’s a little blood on here.” I told her.

  She opened her eyes and looked, “It might be from your piercings, but my guess is it’s probably just because I’ve never had something that big in there.”

  I went into the bathroom and got a washcloth for her, I wiped between her legs threw the washcloth on the floor and climbed into bed with her. “I can take the piercings out if that’ll help.”

  She opened her eyes, “If you ever want to have sex with me again, you won’t take them out.”

  “Okay then.” I said with a laugh. I switched the lamp off and pulled her against my chest, she put one of her legs across my thighs and laid her head against my shoulder. Within minutes she was asleep.

  “Cade! CADE!” Sydney’s voice rose with panic.

  “What?” I pulled her against me tighter.

  “Somebody is beating on the front door, your phone was ringing too.”

  I picked up my phone and looked at the time, “It’s after nine in the morning my guess is there are some people looking for you.” I looked through the call log and sure enough Theresa had tried calling about ten times and so had Bryan. I had numerous text messages from both of them and there was somebody still beating on the door.

  “Why is it so dark if it’s morning?” she said and flopped back on the bed.

  “Black out curtains and shades.” I kissed her quickly and got out of bed to go answer the door. My cell phone rang, “Answer that I’m sure it’s for you.” I yelled as I ran down the stairs.

  On the other side of the door stood Lucifer, and he was pissed the fuck off.

  “Is my daughter in there McAllister?” he asked and pushed past me.


  I heard her tell Theresa she would be at the studio within the hour then she hung up. Dressed in a different t-shirt of mine that hung down to her mid thighs she slowly walked down the staris.

  “Both of you have some explaining to do,” he looked at me then at Sydney, “You need to explain what the fuck you hit with your car that has the back bumper cracked the ground effect on the front dragging the ground.” He crossed his arms over his chest and waited for her to answer. “Well…”

  “I uh, hit a coon on my way here last night. If I would have slammed on the brakes I would have hydroplaned.”

  “Why the fuck are you here in the first place? He has a girlfriend, by the looks of it you both just climbed out of the same god damn nest.”

  Sydney looked at me waiting for me to say something, “I don’t have one as of last night.” I told him.

  Her dad shook his head, “Rule number one of the MC, don’t fuck with my daughter McAllister. So you break up with your girlfriend to get my daughter in your bed? You do know I’m going to punch you at some point right?”

  “Dad, stop it. There’s been some things happening, things that you don’t know about, and right now isn’t the time.”

  “Oh really? Like what, I have all god damn day, you just let me know when the time is right today for you to tell me what has happened.”

  Sydney walked past him into the living room and sat down on the couch, Lucifer followed and sat down in the large leather recliner, kicked the foot rest up and stared at her. I sat down beside her, and the foot rest snapped down, when he stood to charge at me I stood and glared at him. Sydney jumped up between us, “Sit down both of you. Dad you’re not going to like any of what I have to say but you have got to promise me, promise me, that you won’t be mad at any of us.”

  Lucifer pointed at me, “Rule number two of my club, Don’t fucking hurt my daughter.” He sat down in the recliner with his elbows resting on his knees as he stared daggers at Sydney.

  Sydney blew out a breath, “Okay--…”

  It took Sydney almost an hour to tell her dad about everything that had gone on with Ronnie. By the time she was done telling him she was in tears and he was shaking with pure raging anger. “Go home get your shit and go to the clubhouse.”

  “Daddy, please, don’t do anything that’s going to land you in jail.” She cried.

  “Don’t’ fucking daddy me right now Sydney, I said go to the clubhouse.”

  “I’m staying here.” She spoke softly.

  “No you’re not, because if that mother fucker shows up at the club house looking for you he’s a dead man.”

  Sydney looked at me with pleading eyes, “She can stay here, you’re more than welcome to check all the weapons I have. I’ll take her to the shooting range out back today and teach her to shoot every single one.”

  Lucifer looked at me, “You motherfuckers hid this from me, you and Bryan both! When I find him I’m whoopin’ his ass and suspending him from the club.”

  “No you’re not I told them that I didn’t want you to know.” Sydney defended.

  “FINE, I want all of you at the clubhouse in one hour, don’t be late. You better get ahold of Bryan and Theresa so they can be there or he’s out. Get your damn car fixed Sydney.”

  Obviously Lucifer was done talking, he walked out the front door and slammed it shut behind him.

  Sydney sat down on the couch, her shoulders slumped forward and her face hidden behind her hands.

  I sat down in front of her, “You okay?”

  “I can’t stay here Cade, maybe I’m better off staying at the club house.”

  “What’s wrong with staying here?”

  “Did you see the disappointment in his eyes? They’ve done so much for me, I can’t hurt them.”

  “And what else is bothering you about being here?”

  She laughed and shook her head, “You mean other than I’m pretty sure the bed was still warm from Belle? I feel like a total whore, I never do one night stands. I didn’t even do that with Ronnie.”

  “I can promise you the bed was not still warm from her, she’s never even been in that room, only the one down here. It didn’t feel like a one night stand, I’m pretty sure it felt and feels like there’s a hell of a lot more than one night between us.”

  The drive to the club house was filled with silence between me and Cade. His left elbow resting on the door panel, right hand draped over the steering wheel he looked deep in thought. Everything about him was all man, he oozed sex and confidence. I looked away when he turned and looked at me, smiled weakly and started to say something then shook his head and turned his eyes back to the road.

  We pulled up to the club house, every single club member was there. Choppers and Harleys lined the front of the building. We still hadn’t said anything to each other, we sat there in his pickup staring ahead, “Do you regret last night?” Cade finally said.

  “No, do you?” I looked down at my lap.

  He inhaled deeply through his nose and slowly released it, “No,” he scrubbed his face with his hands, “What are we going to do about this?”

  “This?” I asked.

  With his head resting against the headrest and his eyes closed, “I can’t let you walk away from me again Sydney.”

  “What do you want from me Cade?” I asked.

  “What I want from you is for you to give us a chance. I’m not him Sydney, I know you’re scared but I also know you feel the same way I do. I can see it in your eyes, I can feel it when you touch me.” He was cut off when the club house doors swung open and slammed against the building. There stood my dad, pissed off with his hands on his hips as he glared at us.

  For the next two and a half hours I was grilled with questions, “What color is his pickup? W
hat year? What’s his address?” Dad was asking question after question, detail after detail given, mom wrapped me in her arms as I cried not wanting to relive any of it.

  “Syd go with your mom to the house so I can discuss this further with the members.” Dad said but didn’t’ look at me as he scribble something on paper.

  Mom and I went to the house, she made us each a cup of tea then sat down next to me on the couch. “He’s pretty upset about all of this. I know you feel like he’s being overprotective but he has a no tolerance when it comes to abuse. Especially now that somebody has hurt you.” She was talking about dad.

  “I know, I know he’s disappointed with me too. I really thought that Ronnie would move on,” my cell phone rang. It was dad calling wanting to know where Ronnie worked, that was one question I couldn’t answer because I didn’t know. When I told him I didn’t know he muttered a string of cuss words then hung up on me. “He’s treating me like a child, I didn’t ask for any of this.” I said and started crying again.

  “He doesn’t mean to treat you like that; you’re his baby girl you always will be. We all make bad decisions some just come with more severe consequences.” Mom said while rubbing my back.

  About seven o’clock that evening motorcycles vibrated the windows of the house as they pulled out of the parking lot. I looked out and watched as Cade left in his pickup, without me. Dad came inside, walked over to the refrigerator grabbed a beer and sat down at the table. I walked in and sat down in the chair across from him, “Never in a million years did I think something like this would happen to you.” My dad said with a raw timber to his voice. “I’m not going to kill him, but I’m going to make him wish he was dead. You’re not the first person he’s done this to and you won’t be the last unless somebody does something about it. He put his hands on my baby girl.” He finally looked at me. “You should have told me when it happened.”

  “I thought it was just because he was under stress…”

  “Christ Syd, I don’t beat on your mom when I’m stressed out.” He tried to say without yelling. He took a long drink of beer, “It’s never okay to be abusive to your partner, sure there’s been times that your mom’s made me so mad I wanted to ring her neck but I never have.”

  “Hey now!” Mom chimed in as she walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table.

  “What? You’ve got a bitch streak a mile wide in you and you’re stubborn as hell kind of like somebody else I know.” He laughed softly then looked at her, “But I’d never hurt you, I’d never put my hands on you. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I did.”

  “Aww you really do love me.” Mom said trying to lighten the mood.

  “And that’s why I would never do anything to hurt you.” He stated matter of factly then looked at me. “What’s up with you and Cade?”

  I shrugged a shoulder, “We’re friends, I feel safe when I’m around him.”

  “You’re a big girl and you’re old enough to make your own choices, all I’m going to say is be careful. Cade had a rough childhood, that’s his story to tell, but just be careful. That’s all I have to say about whatever is going on or not going on between you two.”

  “How long do I have to stay here?”

  Dad laughed, “It won’t kill you to stay here for a week or two will it? We aren’t that bad are we?”

  I felt bad, “No, no, that’s not it at all but my computer and everything is at my house.”

  “I’ll have one of the guys meet you tomorrow so you can go get a few things. Just keep your eyes peeled for Ronnie. Try not to leave work alone, have Ryan or Theresa or somebody there with you at all times. I know that sounds extreme but I can almost guarantee you if he seen you at Cade’s he’s probably boiling mad.”

  “Oh god what if he tries to hurt Cade?” I said with worry.

  Dad laughed, “Trust me when I say you don’t have to worry about that happening.”


  “Cade dropped your car off this morning.” Mom told me when I walked into the kitchen.

  “Oh, okay. Did he leave a bill?” I hadn’t talked to him since the last time we talked in his pickup. I would text him but he never replied or called.

  “I don’t think so, I think your dad paid him.” She said and put a plate of breakfast food on the table. I pulled my phone out of my purse and sent Cade a simple, Thank you, text.

  Dad walked through the front door and over to the table, as we ate breakfast we talked about how business was going at the gym. Mom was beaming from ear to ear with a smile, “You’re great at what you do. I’m so glad everything is going good, you worked hard to get to where you are.”

  I smiled, “I love helping the kids, some have such a low self-esteem it breaks my heart. They’ve learned they can talk to us about anything anytime.”

  Dad sat there quiet, “We can’t find him anywhere, it’s like he’s vanished. A couple of the guys have been to his parent’s house, his mom was tight lipped and lying through her teeth.”

  “Wow, do you think maybe those charges finally came through? Maybe he’s in jail?”

  Dad shook his head ‘no’, “Nope, his record is spotless, we’ve checked the jails too. His step daddy must have got the DA to drop everything.”

  “Maybe he…hell I don’t know what to say to that.” I was truly baffled. “I could unblock him from my phone. If he calls or text I can tell you and you can track him.”

  “I’ll think about it, don’t do that just yet.” Dad said.

  “How much do I owe Cade?” I asked changing the subject?

  Dad shrugged, “He wouldn’t let me pay him or tell me how much it cost.”

  I left for work and tried to call Cade but he didn’t answer so I left him a voicemail hoping that he would call back. I missed hearing his voice, I just missed him—everything about him.

  The week was busy as usual, by Friday I was actually frustrated that Cade was obviously ignoring me so after Theresa and I got in our vehicles instead of going back to my parents’ house I left to go to Cade’s. I pulled up the long gravel driveway and parked beside his pickup. I rang the doorbell three times before I finally gave up, when I turned to go back to my car I seen the walk in door to one of the garages was open. The closer I got I could hear music coming from inside, I pushed the door open more and said his name but with the music playing as loud as it was I knew he probably couldn’t hear me. The site that I seen next was not what I was expecting, this garage was full of workout equipment, but what shocked me even more was seeing Cade on his back and his ex-girlfriend Belle straddling his lap while on the bench press seat. Her chest exposed and Cane’s large hands covering them, her head was thrown back and Cades eyes were closed. They were both sweaty and chasing their orgasm together, as her moans turned into screams and his grunts grew louder as she rocked her hips back and forth. Belle must have sensed me standing there, her eyes lazily opened and she smiled at me before she leaned forward and Cade put one of her nipples in his mouth. “Oh god Cade.” She said while still looking at me. He slid he hands from her breasts down her sides until he had a firm grip on her hips. Her eyes rolled shut and Cade groaned one last time before he stilled as they both rode out their orgasms. She leaned down and kissed him until he turned his head away.

  I sped out of his driveway, bile rising in my throat and tears burning my eyes. I cursed myself for letting it bother me so much, we were never a couple, “You had sex one time Sydney, he’s just a smooth talker that wanted to get in your pants at his convenience.” I said to myself and wiped my cheeks dry. I called my dad and told him I was going to stay at my house, I didn’t want to go back there and let him see me so upset. He tried to protest but finally relented and told me to make sure that every window was locked and to keep the doors double locked. That night I cried, once again my own decisions had ended with me suffering the consequences.

  “I don’t know what your intentions are with her but you need to let her have some space, let her come to you. She’s my worl
d Cade, if she wants something more between you two she’ll come to you.” Her dad said giving me a glare. I left the club house without her that night, pissed off and ready to beat the hell out of Ronnie when I found him. When I got home I made myself some supper and sat down at the computer to order the parts I would need to fix her car.

  Three days later I was unpacking the parts when my cell phone rang showing it was the assisted living calling. Thinking it was probably grandpa calling again I answered,

  “What’s up gramps?”

  A lady cleared her throat, Cade McAllister?”


  “We need you to come in as soon as possible there’s an emergency.” Before she could say anymore I was running out of the shop and for my motorcycle.

  In record time I was running through the doors of the building, alarms blaring because I hadn’t entered the security code. Two nurses come running down the hall until they seen it was me, one rushed past me to silence the alarms while the other walked with me to my grandparents room.

  “Mister McAllister?” An older gentleman asked stopping me from entering the room.

  “What’s going on?” I asked, “What’s the emergency?”

  The doctor held his hand up, “Your grandma, she…she expired in her sleep lastnight.”

  All the air left my lungs, “What?” No this couldn’t be happening.

  “And your grandpa, he’s—struggling more than usual and seems to be very confused about who he is and why he is here.”

  I leaned against the wall, bent at the waist and took deep breaths trying to stop myself from throwing up. “What the hell happened? Did you guys fuck up her meds? Are you not making sure his meds are right?”

  “You’re grandma was taking everything correctly, like I said she passed away her in sleep so I’m guessing her heart stopped. We will perform an autopsy to confirm the cause of death. Do you want to go talk to your grandpa?”

  I nodded my head and stood up, “Yeah.”

  The doctor stepped pushed the door open and stepped out of the way so I could enter the room then he walked in behind me.